Monday, January 27, 2014

Green Your Daily Skincare Routine

Go Green in 2014: Week 4

Let me be completely honest here: I absolutely loved my Clinique 3-step skincare regimen while I was using it. I don't think I even had one pimple for about seven or eight months straight. It was amazing.

However, my chemical-laden skincare routine was the first to go while I was trying to deal with some health issues. It was horrible. During the adjustment period after years of slathering chemicals on my face and - around the same time - a fluctuation of hormones, my skin was freaking out for at least another eight months straight.

During this time, I was cleansing with BomaSense Face and Body Wash and moisturizing with their Face and Body Lotion. BomaSense is a line of personal care products developed for people with chronic diseases; their products contain natural ingredients that are gentle and contain no irritating chemicals. While I love using their products as body wash and lotion, they did nothing to stop the breakouts, and only made my face extremely oily. At first, I thought it would improve after my skin finished detoxing, but it never did.

So I briefly tried the Oil Cleansing Method, which consists of applying oil (the type you might use for cooking) to your face, and placing a hot, damp washcloth over it to open the pores and remove impurities. Learn more about it here. It is supposed to work for any skin type, and many people have had great success with this method; however, it did nothing for my skin, other than making it feel really soft for a short time immediately afterward. I was still breaking out like crazy.

I didn't want to spend months experimenting to find the right oil combination for my skin, so I decided to move on. And I'm glad I did.


Before we go any further, let me add a quick disclaimer here: I am not a dermatologist or a medical professional of any kind, and cannot be held responsible for any adverse effects that might occur while using any of these methods. Please try them at your own risk. That said, let's move on to my current natural skincare routine.


I had previously read about the concept of honey cleansing, but hadn't given it much thought. Then while looking up new ideas for non-toxic facial cleansers, I came across a blog post (which I naturally cannot find again) about the benefits of cleansing with honey. Raw honey not only contains numerous vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but it also has healing and moisturizing properties. When I learned that it can both dry out acne and moisturize skin, I decided to give it a try.

I saw amazing results within just a week and, after two weeks of honey cleansing, my face was almost back to normal. At first, I noticed a little bit of dryness, but it is winter after all, and the air has been really dry this year.

Best of all, honey cleansing is super easy.

How to wash your face with honey:

  1. Every morning, rub a small amount of honey in your hands to warm it up, and apply it to your face, taking the time to cover as much of your skin as possible. 
  2. If desired, you can leave the honey on your face for 20 minutes to let it really soak in. Your face will be really sticky, so be careful not to touch it!
  3. Rinse with warm water (honey comes off surprisingly easily!), pat your face dry, and moisturize. That's all there is to it. Easy peasy!
**Please note: Honey will not remove makeup from your face, so it may be best to use another cleansing method in the evenings if you wear makeup, and only honey cleanse in the mornings.

You can also mix in a little sugar with your honey to make a sugar scrub; gently apply to damp skin in a circular motion and rinse. Your face will feel soft and clean afterward. Limit the scrubs to one time per week, because too much exfoliating can be damaging to the skin.

Where can you find raw honey?

Most of the honey you will find at the grocery store has been processed, which removes all the goodness (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, etc.), and you will end up paying a little more for the raw stuff. If you aren't able to find it at your local stores, you can always order it online. Here is a link to good quality, organic honey that you can buy through Amazon for a great price:

I am currently washing my face with honey in the mornings, but I have continued to use my BomaSense wash in the evenings (although, when I'm feeling lazy, I'll just place a hot, damp washcloth over my face for half a minute to open my pores, then simply wipe it clean).


Toner is not a necessary step, in my opinion, but I feel like it helps to remove any lingering gunk after cleansing, especially if you use an extra-gentle cleanser in the evenings like I do. You can apply toner using a cotton ball, a disposable cotton pad, or the greenest option: a reusable cotton facial cleansing pad (my crocheted face pad is pictured at the very top of the page, on top of the jar of homemade toner).

How can you make your own facial toner at home?

There are numerous homemade toner recipes, and you will have to play around until you find one that works for you. Here are a couple ideas to get you started:

  • Apple cider vinegar (ACV) and water. Depending on your skin type, you might need a stronger ACV ratio, or a weaker one. I would recommend starting weak to avoid drying out your skin. I used a 4:1 ratio of water (use distilled or filtered) to ACV. It didn't do much for me, but I didn't like the sweaty-foot smell that accompanied it anyway, so I didn't bother trying a stronger ratio.
  • Green tea facial toner. The only green tea I had at the time was cranberry-pomegranate flavored, so that's what I used to make this toner - and that's why it looks purple in the picture! I simply steeped a tea bag in one cup of hot water for five minutes, then let it cool in the refrigerator. It actually seems to work pretty well for me, and it smells great! However, the purple does slightly discolor my reusable cotton pads, so I would recommend using a plain green tea if you can.
  • ACV/green tea blend. I haven't tried mixing apple cider vinegar and green tea together to make a toner, but you might find that this combination works for you. You can also add a couple drops of tea tree oil to this or either of the above toners if you have oily or acne-prone skin.

The Internet contains dozens of facial toner recipes, and it's just a matter of finding one that works for you. However, I find the above recipes to be easy enough for anyone to make at home, and they are inexpensive.

I'm not sure exactly how long the shelf life is for homemade toners, but make it in small batches - I wouldn't use a batch for longer than a month (I have been tossing mine after a couple weeks). You can store them in the refrigerator to keep them fresh longer, but if they start to look or smell funny, simply make up a new batch.

Spot Treatment

There are a number of spot treatment products on the market, most of them containing harmful ingredients. In the past, I had always used products with salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. But because I was trying to get rid of the chemicals in my skincare routine, I needed to find a safe replacement. So I decided to start using Melaleuca oil as a spot treatment.

What is Melaleuca oil?

Otherwise known as tea tree oil, Melaleuca is an essential oil that comes from the Melaleuca alternifolia, and is known for its wide range of uses. It can be used to heal not only acne, but minor cuts and burns, among various other uses. The undiluted oil can be harsh and drying, so be careful to only dab it onto problem areas. Even though Q-tips are disposable and not the greenest option, they provide more application control than a finger can on such a small area.

Does it work as a spot treatment?

Melaleuca oil has been much more effective than anything I have previously bought. It quickly clears up breakouts without the use of dangerous chemicals. And because it is so concentrated, a small bottle of Melaleuca oil goes a long way! I only wish I had thought to start using it sooner.

If you choose to try this as a spot treatment, remember that it can be used to treat other minor skin problems, so you can cut back on the number of different ointments and creams in your house.

Order Melaleuca oil online here:


You might already have something in your kitchen that can be used as a moisturizing face cream. Like with anything, you will have to experiment to find out what works best for your skin type. The downside is that the experimentation process could leave your face an oily, broken-out mess. As I mentioned earlier, I had been using BomaSense Face and Body Lotion to moisturize, which left a thick layer of grease, no matter how little I used. I had also tried coconut oil with the same results. After too many months, I needed to try something different.

But first, let's go over a few natural moisturizers you might find in your kitchen.

Types of natural moisturizers

  • Pure, organic coconut oil
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Shea butter
  • Argan oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Avocado oil
  • ...and so on

As always, a little bit goes a long way. Too much will only leave your skin feeling greasy. These ingredients can be mixed with others, or used on their own. Again, it totally depends on your skin.

I decided to go another way after coming upon this blog post about using tallow (rendered beef or mutton fat) as a skin balm, and figured it was worth a shot. It was totally worth it!

What is tallow balm?

It is made with 9 parts tallow and 1 part extra virgin olive oil (to make it spreadable), plus a few drops of various essential oils. Certain essential oils, such as cedarwood, are known for their healing properties. You could make your own tallow balm if you like, although I decided to start out with a jar I ordered from Vintage Traditions. I won't get into too many details, because you can find them at the above linked blog post, but I will tell you that it works for me. As long as I only use a tiny amount (because that's all you need), it moisturizes without turning my face into a shiny mess.

And that's my current chemical-free skincare routine! I may need to change it up with time, but I will continue to use these products as long as they work for me.

~ ~ ~

Your challenge: This week, green your skincare routine by replacing one of your skincare products with a non-toxic version, possibly something you find in your own kitchen.

~  ~ ~
**Disclosure: Although this post may contain affiliate links, all opinions are my own.

**This post is part of a weekly challenge {Go Green in 2014}, during which the author has challenged herself - and you - to find 52 ways to lead a greener life in 2014. You can follow the weekly posts on this page.**

Monday, January 20, 2014

Purify Indoor Air Naturally with Plants

Go Green in 2014: Week 3

I enjoy plants and flowers as much as anyone else, but you could say I have a brown thumb. Not only that, but I have a cat who loves munching on house plants, which makes it incredibly difficult to find an out-of-reach area of the house where a plant will get adequate sunlight. And this is all in a house that doesn't have much natural light to begin with.

My first real house plant was a "rubber tree plant", or ficus elastica, which my husband gave me as a Valentine's Day gift. When I first got it, the plant was full and very healthy. Slowly, each of the stalks began to rot and turn black, and I had to re-pot it a few times to remove the dead stalks. I was left with one lonely stalk when I finally learned that I was probably over-watering it. Rubber tree plants require very infrequent watering (as in, once or twice a month), and I was doing so a couple times a week.

I still have that one stalk, and lately it's been blooming really well, alone in that pot. There are even a few new shoots that have sprung up in the past couple months, not to mention a bunch more leaves to accompany the lone leaf that was once on this lonely stalk.

Someone also gave me about seven house plants about a year and a half ago, so I bought some awesome new pots to plant them in. I was doing really well keeping them alive - for a while. Like I said, I don't exactly have a green thumb, so I got really bad about remembering to water them. They were barely hanging on to life when we bought a house and moved this past summer, but at that point, I was struggling to find places where they would get sunlight, while being safe from Loki, the naughty kitty. So, I gave up on them.

And we just recently received a lucky bamboo plant as a housewarming gift which, if you take the time to learn how to care for it, seems to be pretty easy to keep alive. Right now, it is sitting on top of the refrigerator, which is the only place it is safe from Loki.

Anyway, the point I'm (very slowly) getting to is that plants are a great way to purify indoor air, as long as no one in the house is allergic to them. So, I'm trying to keep my plants alive as best I can.

How do plants purify indoor air?

Trees use a process called photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide (which is toxic to humans) into oxygen (which is vital to humans). Indoor air can be even more polluted than that outdoors, which is where house plants come in - especially on cold winter days, when opening up the windows isn't always practical. Studies by NASA, Pennsylvania State University, the University of Georgia, and similar institutions suggest that plants are adept at absorbing gases through pores in their leaves, converting carbon dioxide, VOCs (volatile organic compounds), and other pollutants into chemical energy to fuel growth (livescience).

Most plants are adept at purifying indoor air; however a few are better choices than others.

Best plants to purify indoor air

From the Mother Nature Network, following are the top 15 plants for purifying indoor air:

  1. Aloe vera
  2. Spider plant
  3. Gerber daisy
  4. Snake plant
  5. Golden pothos
  6. Chrysanthemum
  7. Red-edged dracaena
  8. Weeping fig (ficus)
  9. Azalea
  10. English ivy
  11. Warneck dracaena
  12. Chinese evergreen
  13. Bamboo palm
  14. Heart leaf philodendron
  15. Peace lily

Do you currently own one or more of these plants (or have you in the past)? Did you find them easy or difficult to care for?

Plants that require minimal care

For those of us with a brown thumb, a plant requiring minimal care might be best. In doing some research, I found that the easiest plants to care for include the spider plant, Chinese evergreen, peace lily, and the snake plant. I have never owned one of these plants, so I can't verify that information; however, you can do your own research and decide whether your home would be conducive to one of these varieties (with sunlight, pets, etc.). I also read that the aloe vera plant is easy to take care of, since it requires minimal watering, but mine didn't last long....

However, that might have something to do with the fact that my cat really enjoyed uprooting the entire thing. Luckily, she didn't try eating it.

Keeping your plants safe from children and pets

The best way to keep your plants safe from children and/or pets - and keeping the children/pets safe from toxic plants - is to keep the plants out of their reach. You can also try these green tips for keeping cats away from your house plants.

  1. Sprinkle citrus peels in the soil. Cats have an aversion to the smell of citrus and will avoid the plants; get extra protection by rubbing a citrus peel on the outsides of your pots.
  2. Lay aluminum foil around your plant. You can either place it on the soil or around the pot to keep your kitty from destroying it.
  3. Get a cat grass kit (or catnip). You can grow it especially for your cat to munch on, and it may help deter him from eating your plants. Keep it in an accessible place, and keep your plants where they are not as easy to access.

Of course, the best way to keep your children and pets safe from toxic plants is to choose a variety that will not be harmful if they are somehow ingested.

Non-toxic plants for pet lovers

Bamboo, like my "lucky bamboo" plant, will not be harmful if your pet gets into it. Spider plants, a money tree plant, ponytail plant, and the cast iron plant are also safe to have around your pets. And as I previously mentioned, if you would like to get your cat a plant of his or her own, go for grass or catnip.

afunkydamsel /

FUN FACT: In researching this blog post, I realized that the spider plant made the lists for all three categories: easiest to care for, safest for your pets, and best for purifying indoor air.

Plants are a natural way to purify indoor air and give the home interior a fresh, cozy atmosphere with a splash of nature's greenery. However, some of us are not able to keep plants around, whether we have allergies or simply have no place to keep them away from pets and children. What are some ways you purify your indoor air without/in addition to houseplants?

~ ~ ~

Challenge: This week, research some of the numerous indoor plant options, and discover which type would be best for your home (if any).

**This post is part of a weekly challenge {Go Green in 2014}, during which the author has challenged herself - and you - to find 52 ways to lead a greener life in 2014. You can follow the weekly posts on this page.**

Monday, January 13, 2014

Green Cleaning: All-Purpose Sprays

Go Green in 2014: Week 2

For my second weekly challenge, I decided to keep it simple with a post on green cleaning. After all, this is where it all began. I started making homemade cleaning products a couple years ago, and if I remember correctly, my first experiment was a natural all-purpose spray that I made using ingredients I already owned.

I've never been one to keep an arsenal of cleaning supplies - a different potion for each and every type of mess - but at one point, I had more bottles than I really needed. An all-purpose spray works for a number of different purposes (hence, the name "all-purpose"). I have been able to cut back by a few products, at least, although I still have a way to go.

I'm still learning, though.

Why are commercial sprays so bad?

The chemicals in commercial cleaners pose a variety of health hazards. Ethylene-based glycol and chlorine (sometimes labeled "hypochlorite" or "sodium hypochlorite") are two such offenders. Breathing in the fumes can irritate the lungs, among numerous long-term effects, such as respiratory problems and, potentially, cancer. Plus, they are not environmentally-friendly. You will find a long list of dangerous ingredients in household products on this Cancer Prevention Alert.

The ingredients I use in my green all-purpose spray are both safe and effective, and it costs very little to make if you already have the ingredients on hand. Vinegar is a commonly-used household cleaning product, as are Borax and dish soap. If you plan on making other green cleaning products, you might be wise to invest in a few essential oils known for their powerful anti-bacterial properties: lavender, eucalyptus, and rosemary, among others.

Ways to use a green all-purpose spray

  • Wiping down countertops
  • Scrubbing the stovetop
  • Cleaning the bathroom vanity
  • Wiping down the shower/bathtub
  • Disinfecting the toilet
  • Cleaning doorknobs and handrails
  • Wiping down children's toys
  • Disinfecting nonporous surfaces in the home

And now for the recipe...


Homemade all-purpose spray recipe

You will need:
  • empty spray bottle*
  • 2 cups warm water
  • 2 tablespoons distilled white vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon Borax
  • 1/2 teaspoon mild liquid dish soap
  • 5 drops eucalyptus essential oil
  • 5 drops lavender essential oil
What to do:
  1.  Dissolve the Borax with 2 cups warm water in the spray bottle, shaking to combine.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and shake well to combine. 
  3. Spray onto hard surfaces and wipe clean, shaking before each use. For best results, let it soak for 10 minutes.

*You can find cheap spray bottles at the dollar store or any big box retail store. Another option is to re-purpose a glass apple cider vinegar bottle into a spray bottle, simply by attaching a spray nozzle.*


There's nothing more to it! It's easy to make and can be used in a number of ways around the home. I have found this recipe to be just as effective as any commercial all-purpose spray, minus the toxic chemicals. When cleaning tough spots on the stove, for example, I simply let the solution sit on the surface for a few minutes, and it wipes away much more easily. It does have a somewhat strong smell, but I find it tolerable, knowing it's not harmful to breathe in.

Don't have time to make your own cleaning products?

Not everyone has the time or inclination to collect the necessary ingredients and make homemade all-purpose spray for cleaning the home. Fortunately, there are some companies that make safer, green alternatives for such people. I received Caldrea All-Purpose Cleaner once as a gift, and I love it. It contains naturally derived cleaning surfectants, essential oils, and birch bark extract. It is not tested on animals, nor does it contain animal products. The Sea Salt Neroli fragrance smells wonderful; it also comes in three other fragrances: Lavender Pine, Blue Basil Sage, and Ginger Pomelo.

~ ~ ~

Your challenge: This week, green your cleaning routine in some small way, replacing one commercial cleaning product with a non-toxic alternative.

Check out this awesome Pinterest board for ideas: Make your own green cleaning products

~ ~ ~
**Disclosure: Although this post may contain affiliate links, all opinions are my own.

**This post is part of a weekly challenge {Go Green in 2014}, during which the author has challenged herself - and you - to find 52 ways to lead a greener life in 2014. You can follow the weekly posts on this page.**

Monday, January 6, 2014

How to Start Recycling

Go Green in 2014: Week 1

My first 'going green' challenge was to start recycling.

Copyright: chrissatchwell /

When I learned that my city charges a monthly $2.25 recycling pick-up fee, regardless of whether or not I actually use the service, deciding to start recycling was a no-brainer.

And, it really is easy!

Signing up for curbside pickup

The first step was to visit my city's website and learn more about the curbside collection of comingled recyclables. I needed to find out how I could get a recycling bin and sign up for the weekly collection. Finding the information was easy once I found my city's website. I located a phone number and email address for the solid waste department, and sent them an email inquiring about how to get one of the blue bins with a yellow lid.

I got a response almost immediately, informing me that we had been added to the recycling pick-up list, and that the container would be delivered to our house the following week. Much to our surprise, the container showed up that very same week!

What can be recycled?

The hard part was over, and it wasn't so hard, after all. Now, I just needed to start saving my recyclables and setting them out on the curb (or, in our case, next to the alley). We were instructed to wait until the recycling bin was at least a third full before setting it out, due to the fact that they are lightweight and will easily fall over.

How can you find out what is recyclable and what is not?

There is a list of items that can be recycled right on the bin itself, but I also found a list on my city's website. It may or may not be the exact same as yours, so you will need to find out from the solid waste department in your town. However, the following list is a pretty good guide to the things you can place in a comingled recycling bin:

  • clean and dry paper
  • flattened cardboard boxes
  • clean and dry plastic containers (must have the recycling triangle)
  • plastic grocery bags (placed together inside one plastic bag)
  • clean aluminum, tin, and metal
  • clean aluminum foil and foil pans

There is also a pretty specific list of items that can NOT be placed in the comingled recycling bin. To find out how to recycle specific household items, visit the Earth911 website. You will find a wonderful guide to properly disposing of automotive fluids, electronics, glass, cooking oils, and more.

If you do not have a curbside pick-up of comingled recyclables, you will need find out where your city's recycling center is located, and make sure your recycled goods are pre-sorted if required.

How to get started recycling

To recap:

  1. Visit your city's website to learn how it handles recycling. Find out whether you have the option for curbside pick-up or whether you will need to pre-sort the recyclables and bring them to a recycling center.
  2. If you are given a choice, consider signing up for curbside pick-up. It's the easiest option, and will save you a trip to the city's recycling center.
  3. Get an indoor recycling collection bin. It can be anything you have around the house: a specially-marked trash can, or whatever you can find. I am starting out with a plastic milk crate; it's small and lightweight, and it has built-in handles.
  4. Learn about what can be recycled - and what can not. Make sure to flatten cardboard boxes and to remove the lids from plastic containers. Everything should be clean and dry.
  5. Start recycling! Once your indoor bin is full, dump its contents into the outdoor recycling container and start the process over. 

Copyright: UofSLibrary /

It doesn't get any easier. If I had known how simple it would be back when the city started this new recycling program last summer, I would have signed up much earlier.

It's never too late to start, though.

~ ~ ~

Your challenge: This week, visit your city's website to learn more about their recycling program.

~ ~ ~

Recycling around the world

Known for their passion for recycling, Sweden goes one step further than anyone else, powering a quarter of a million homes with burnt up waste. The city's garbage is used to create heat and electricity, but they've recently found themselves in a bit of a pickle: they've run out of garbage! --read more--

**This post is part of a weekly challenge {Go Green in 2014}, during which the author has challenged herself - and you - to find 52 ways to lead a greener life in 2014. You can follow the weekly posts on this page.**

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Ready...Set...'Go Green' in 2014!

Happy New Year 2014!

I hope this post finds you all well, and having a wonderful start to the new year. Have you set your goals yet? Are you ready to get started?!

I'm excited to start this year-long challenge; in fact, I've already gotten a start on it! I've been busy brainstorming - for more than a month already - all the different ways I can go green this year. AND I've already started doing some of them. Here are a few things you can look forward to in the coming weeks and months:

  • tips for getting started recycling
  • ideas for ditching disposable products
  • green cleaning product recipes
  • going green in the laundry room
  • non-toxic beauty product recipes
  • home remedies for various ailments
  • and more....

Over the following weeks, I will share the various ways I have incorporated greener practices into my life, including specific recipes and ways I have used everyday ingredients in place of toxic, store-bought products.

Keep your eyes peeled for my first weekly post {hint: it's about recycling} on January 6th!

You can either become a member of this blog, follow by email, or bookmark this page and check back for updates. Remember, you can always visit the Go Green in 2014 page for links to each of the posts as they are published.

Until then...have a wonderful first week of the new year!

Copyright: *Sally M* /
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