Sunday, August 17, 2014

Easy “Going Green” Tips for Beginners

Do you want to change to a greener lifestyle? Aren't sure where to start? It can be overwhelming for a beginner to think about all the ways there are to improve your life with a healthier, more environmentally-friendly lifestyle. Don't worry--you don't have to make a dozen changes overnight. Take it slow. There are several different ways beginners can get started "going green". 

Set your priorities
The first step is to decide which green living aspect is most important, or relevant, in your life. Do you have health concerns? Need to save money? Want to waste less? There are numerous aspects to consider, from preserving energy to making the environment a healthier place for everyone. If no single aspect stands out, then simply start small and work your way up. 

Start small and work your way up
If you aren't sure where to start, then start making one change at a time. Begin with something that is easy for you, personally, to do. Recycling is always a good place to start. It only requires a separate bin for recyclable items and perhaps a little time for sorting them. Once you feel confident in your recycling abilities, move on to something else, such as buying--or making your own--green cleaning products. Larger goals to work toward may be replacing appliances with energy-efficient ones or installing solar panels, depending on how far you are willing to take your greener lifestyle. 

Replace non-green products as they run out
It seems like such a waste to toss perfectly good non-green products into the garbage for the sake of going green. No worries; you don't have to get rid of everything and start fresh. If you are a beginner in the green life, simply find ways to replace your chemical-infused personal care products and wasteful plastic baggies with healthier or non-wasteful options when that time comes. 

Do your research ahead of time
Rather than going all out and jumping in head-first, take your time and do a little research before committing to the green lifestyle. Make healthy, eco-friendly choices for the long-run. If you try to make dozens of changes in a day, or even in a month, you might find yourself becoming a little overwhelmed and revert back to your old ways. To make these changes last, you have to put some thought into them and turn "going green" into a lifelong effort. 

Personally, I have started small and am continuing to work my way up. I am also doing my research and replacing my regular products with greener versions as they run out. My biggest priority is my health, but saving money is a close second. Of course, it doesn't hurt that my carbon footprint has gotten slightly smaller since starting to make these changes.

What are some areas you have "gone green" in your life? Where are you struggling? Share your experience in the comments below.

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